
Assemblies Overview

Over the past few years, we have optimized and upgraded over 85 types of automotive connector molds, continuously improving the efficiency and scale of our production to become an industry-leading connector manufacturer.

Available For Over 10 Automotive Brands

Starting from detailed design, we have always insisted on the independent development with the purpose of addressing the needs of domestic and foreign markets and providing high-quality products to you.

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Assemblies Gallery

In a continuous effort to innovate and upgrade, we now use a new topology design that allows our connectors to have up to 25%  lower weight while maintaining the same stability and reliability compared to the former design.


Assembly Type

  • Terminal

  • Seal

  • Connector Retainer

  • Connector Caps & Covers

We Manufacture Well-supported Connectors From Scratch

The unique design introduced by KINKONG makes it easy to adapt our automotive connector to your car model. Made from customizable materials, it can be used in harsh road conditions and temperatures.

3-4 R&D staff discussing the development of molds in the conference room

Sensitive Sensing

Sensitive and precise positioning of sensors.

Speedy Transmission

Speedy transmission of signals through connectors.

Efficient Production

Fully automated manufacture workshops.

Looking For Something Exclusive?

We Offer Bespoke Molding!

Our engineers will carefully assess the applicability of your customization needs and work with designers to generate practical customization solutions that will bring your brand superb product quality and make your promotion simple and advanced.

Custom Terminal

With Versatile Options

Custom Connector & Enclosure

With Dynamic Performance

Custom Wire Harness

With Outstanding Adaptation

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